On this page, you will find articles written by special friends of the law firm who are members of the Philippine Bar touching the hottest legal issues in this jurisdiction, and those articles which we thought should be published for the benefit of the surfers of the internet including, but not limited to, selected speeches of Government officials. Choose and click a topic below.
GOV. NEMITZ BELTRAN IS AGAINST DEATH PENALTY - I am against death penalty for it is anti poor. I have been practicing law, my first love, for more than 30 years now and it has
been my observation that our legal system in actual operation is not equal between the rich and the poor..... Click here to view the
full text.
ATTY. ISOBEL G. BARROSO WRITES ABOUT THE NEW RULE ON APPEAL IN LABOR CASES - In what may well be his valedictory ponencia, at least in labor law, before he retired from the Supreme Court on 13 October
1998, Senior Associate Justice Florenz D. Regalado, speaking for the Court en banc, declared in the case of St. Martin
Funeral Home vs. National Labor Relations Commission (G.R. No. 130866, 16 September 1988) that henceforth, petition
for certiorari of decisions of the National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC) shall be initially filed with the Court of Appeals
in strict observance of the hierarchy of courts..... Click here to view the
full text.
INAUGURAL SPEECH OF GOVERNOR CARLOS O. FORTICH - Having been elected and re-elected three times, this is the 6th instant that I have taken my oath of office as Governor of our beloved province of Bukidnon. In view of this circumstance, there is not much need for an extended rationalization and statement of directions compared to the previous occasions. Then, a more elaborate presentation on the initiatives to be undertaken was more meaningful and appropriate..... Click here to view the
full text.
INAUGURAL SPEECH OF VICE GOV. NEMESIO G. BELTRAN - I rise on this historic occasion to acknowledge the people's challenge for me to serve a third term. I am honored yet humbled by this call, for not very many will find themselves gifted with this opportunity; and I can only say that by the grace of the Almighty God I shall try to prove equal to this mandate..... Click here to view the
full text.